Selasa, 29 Juli 2008

As an American I HATE this current administration...MORONS and EMBARRASSMENTS

Better late than never as they say.
BUT...since I just started blogging I need to get it out of my system. This will make my buddies happy since I have another place to vent.
I HATE gw, that idiot douche-bag. I HATE the idiots that got him into office. I especially HATE his vp. Strong word HATE huh? But I do and that's that! So homeland security come after me if you want...I am not afraid of you or the jackass who gave you unconstitutional power.

If you are Gay and voted for him you are MAD!!! What would you say about a Jew who voted for Hitler in 1939 in Germany? or Strom Thurum ever? That they were mad, insane, ignorant and downright stupid?!!??. If the shoe fits...
What the hell is a Log Cabin republican anyway? Also IDIOTS!!!

January 20th can't come fast enough for me.
Impeach, Imprison and IMPALE gw and all the morons around this idiot.

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