How did she think this would not come out. Look I don't condemn the girl but the mother who isn't watching her kids. But more than anything I condemn the tunnel vision of a party that only wants abstinence ONLY taught. Republican teenagers have the same damn raging hormones ad Democrat's kids. DUH!!!
Maybe this woman should stay home and watch her 5 kids instead of running about Alaska and now the continental United States running for an office she's not qualified for.
Or is the real moron McCain who either didn't vet well enough or thought this might now have an effect. IDIOT!

The repubs say they released this info because liberal bloggers were spreading rumors. WHAT? They needed liberal rumors to get them to practice full disclosure? DUH!
First the rain on their convention campaign and now this. Maybe these nuts who think they own Jesus should listen up. Maybe Jesus is REALLY sending them a message.
Oh I doesn't matter because John McLame was in a POW camp for 5 years! I mean that is the answer to everything isn't it. It certainly was the excuse for his adultry and eleven houses. OY VAY!!!
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