My second, and a very very close second is 'To Kill A Mockingbird'. Gregory Peck gave the best all time performance by an actor in this film. The screen is a lesser place without him.
This is a film about civil wrongs, the injustice of justice, prejudice, hate and it's consequences. But most importantly it was a love story. The love of a parent for his children and vice versa. Atticus Finch was the father most wish they had had. Not to take anything away from anyone's own dad...but Atticus? He was the embodiment of what was good in all dad's just multiplied by a hundred million and then some.
It also show cased the talents of three child actors who were anything but "child actors". This was due to the brilliant direction of Robert Mulligan.
The best of the three was Mary Badham as his daughter Scout. As far as iI know Mary has only made two other movies, the most notable 'This Property Is Condemned' with Natalie Wood. She was Oscar nominated in a supporting role. Patty Duke won for an amazing Helen Keller in 'The Miracle Worker'. Patty had played the role on Broadway and won a Tony Award. She was rehearsing for a long time for that movie. Mary gave a new fresh, spunky and loving performance. Mary should have won! Another Oscar mistake.
I love this film (obviously). If you don't know then it rent it. You will thank me.

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